This article will not help you to fix your life!

Vikneysh Raj G G A
3 min readAug 25, 2022


Do you try to fix your life? Are you attempting to mend yourself?
If your answer is yes, then I would suggest that you STOP it right away.

How would you assume that if you were to just try to repair your life and relationships, everything would turn out to be perfectly alright?

Let me share with you right away that it’s never going to do anything. In the real sense, you ought to abandon the notion of “attempting to fix yourself” and begin to appreciate yourself for the person you are.

You are not broken, and that is not your failure that things aren’t unfolding as anticipated. That will not necessarily imply you could perhaps quit on yourself altogether. You must certainly work on making yourself better. But believe me, your life is not a mess. If yours is one, then everyone else’s is too. You ought to practice being proud and excited with yourself without always striving to transform yourself into a person that is invariably happy.

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It is not plausible for you to jump out of bed yet another day and make the choice that you desire to be somebody else.

It’s indeed necessary to keep in mind that each person possesses unique strengths, as well as distinctive goals and dreams. People would always be more excellent than you are in certain ways, as well as folks will continue to be messier than you in some tasks. We constantly compare ourselves to everyone else and try to fix our lives for the better, but this is quite often a big mistake.

What makes you think that you should fix your life? Who told you that you are broken? You can’t fix something if it ain’t broken, can you? It is the very thing that is known as “Self-doubt” that causes these thoughts. You could perhaps suppose that you’re simply not intelligent or competent enough to perform certain tasks.

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You might very well suspect that you fall short of certain people’s requirements and expectations. Stop doing that. Stop doubting yourself. Talk to yourself. There is nothing wrong with doing that. Discover the real you. Realize who you are rather than trying to become who you are not.

It is a simple task to make things complex, but a complex task to make things simple. — Meyer’s law

I hope you won’t make things complex : )



Vikneysh Raj G G A
Vikneysh Raj G G A

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