The Gray area of Gratitude
The three magical words. Have you been taught these in school? Well, I have been. My teacher did introduce these three words to me-Please, Sorry, and Thanks (or Thank you) as three magical words. The significance of these unusually good words often goes unnoticed. Because we are unaware of their significance, we rarely employ these terms. When you want to ask for something, you say “Please” You should apologize and say “Sorry” if you said or did something that was inappropriate. Saying “Thank you” after receiving something from someone is customary.
These three words are the epitome of politeness. If you utilize these three words, you have good manners. But Gen Z and Gen Alpha kids have spoilt these. I have seen people get offended when you thank them. When someone does something for you, it should be acknowledged and appreciated with a sincere thank you. There is nothing wrong with doing that.
It is beneficial to thank someone who does something for you. Many a man is prone to forgetting to express gratitude. After all, saying “thank you” to family members is sometimes not expected and is even frowned upon. But keep in mind that you are a student and not at home. Saying “thank you” to someone who has helped you out demonstrates your gratitude and helps to keep the relationship positive.
Saying “thank you” for routine assistance from family, friends, and neighbors is not customary everywhere and may even be considered offensive. When you thank your friends for their support, some might think you’ve degraded them to the level of a simple stranger and get offended as a result. Nonetheless, if you don’t thank your friends ever, there are chances you could be perceived as characterless. Also, uttering the phrase “Thank you” to your friends often might offend them.
So, what am I trying to tell you? To thank people, or not to? It depends, really. At times conveying your gratitude helps, at times, it does not. Even if you don’t convey your gratitude, be thankful to your people. What you can’t convey to them by mere words could be conveyed by your actions.
Be grateful, because greater happiness is regularly and substantially correlated with gratitude.
By the way, I wanted to THANK YOU, for reading this article. THANK YOU, my dear reader. I am forever grateful to you : )