The Law of Life
Before writing out what is in my mind, I would like to pose a question to you, my reader, “What is a law?”
Does it serve as a standard for what is acceptable in society? Is it a guiding principle of your life? Is it anything that establishes what behaviors are considered acceptable and unacceptable? Well, it may be anything of these. Else, you might even have a different definition. Whatever be may, let’s set them all aside. What is one law that you’ll call pivotal for all life? Is it something that Newton proposed? Does it belong to the laws of Mathematics? Is it a law of physics that deserves the utmost importance?
Different people have different opinions on this. For all that, let me express my opinion. Love, it is, without which, a person cannot survive and flourish among their peers or in the human race as a whole. A person’s decisions, motivations, and life’s purpose are all influenced by love. Love is not limited to what you have for your friend, your parent, your partner, or your acquaintances.
Because it causes some people to feel drawn to others, love has gravity. Love has power, and because it doubles what we already have, it prevents mankind from being wiped out by its heedless greed. Love discloses and unfolds. For love, we live and die. Love lies not only in receiving but also in giving. As Newtonians would say, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, the love you express has a positive impact on your life.
I have seen people so contempt for life who badly want to change their lives. Yet, what they do is a lament or grieve over the present circumstances of their lives. What if liking your present life was all it took to improve your life for the better? The path is love, I bet. This is an idea that is popular in the communities of intellect, theology, and humanitarianism. The love you offer thyself and the rest of the world match up with your life’s turn of events. Your thoughts and the love you feel for the people and things in your life do have a huge impact on your living. Nature does receive the images of your life as you send them, and sends back those to you as individuals, events, or circumstances that alter your life.
What you give will determine what you get back.
In closing, I would like to say that love is not just an emotion that is honored in romantic novels, music, and movies. It is the force of life. It is the law of life. Though invisible, love exists, like gravity, like every other force of nature.