A path to take: a choice to make
The conventional systems we follow in life have always been known to show us the paths to success. They lay before us maps that lead you to the ladder of glory. But are those maps always helpful? Is the convention considerably profitable in today’s trend? That may be a ‘yes’ to many. But for people who do not stick to conventions, maps are no go.
If not maps, then what else? If we don’t follow the success paths of triumphant people, how would we succeed? In my view, life is not a race that ends at a finish point, which people call success.
Success is not a one-way street, but a constant journey.
- Richard St. John
Why follow maps? If we follow a map, it means that we plan the entire journey of our life following a scheme someone else laid out for us. Maps may be suitable for a conventional person. Maps set pathways to already discovered destinations. But for those who desire to be different, maps don’t work at all. Of course, maps show success paths that are shown beyond doubt to work. They might save you from making the mistakes someone else has committed. But in the long run, will a map be of any help is a big question. It won’t allow you to take a path of your own, discover a new world, and explore.
When you get hold of compasses instead of maps, you discover new paths, you even get a chance of discovering a part of yourself that you never knew existed. You end up becoming adventurers and endless explorers. When you do so, you develop a greater sense of ideas. You may not have a string of victories, but you will start exploring unexplored horizons. Exploring new stuff allows you to embrace your individuality and take on challenges in a more positive way. Such a conscious departure from following others gets you the best of both worlds. Using what you already know works and putting into action your ingenuity, you can develop something that is new, something that is one-of-a-kind, something that holds the competency to be called an ‘innovation’.
If you choose to trust a compass, remember, there will be failures, and there will be downfalls. But no matter what, keep in mind, that once you fall, there is no other option but to rise up again. Every graph has its crests and troughs, without such ups and downs, life would become unchallenging or ‘boring’ as I would call it. But trust me, the sense of accomplishment you feel once you succeed in your own way is of immeasurable value. Such a moment is sure to take you to the zenith of happiness.
Be yourself. Explore yourself. Because exploring is endless.